Monday, December 8, 2014

A Holiday Toast ~ May you Know Peace in Your Heart of Hearts! And may it know you... when you wake it up in the wee hours of the morning.

at some point in their lives, 
wakes up in the middle of the night 
with the feeling 
that they are all alone in the world, 
and that nobody loves them now 
and that nobody will ever love them, 
and that they will never 
have a decent night’s sleep again 
and will spend their lives 
wandering blearily 
around a loveless landscape, 
hoping desperately 
that their circumstances will improve, 
but suspecting, 
in their heart of hearts 
that they will remain unloved forever. 
The best thing to do in these circumstances
is to wake somebody else up, 
so that they can feel this way too.
– Lemony Snicket

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Barefootin' It! ~ "Undaunted Courage"

I'm Barefootin' It!
over at 
American Expedition!

Where conservation begins!

A resource to help you plan conservation projects with kids!

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.-Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quinoa and Kale Cuties

*I Cook Barefooted!*

I won't lie.
If my mother had tossed one of these babies onto my plate when I was a kid
it would have gone missing, along with the Brussel sprouts and liver,
to that place where all "good for you" food goes when you're a kid.

Yes, that's right... 
It would have gone to "Good For You" Food Heaven!
You might be pleased to know that my taste buds eventually matured,
and I readily stumbled into the land of grownups.  
  It was there that I found these little guys!

Last week I shared with y'all the ABC's of Quinoa;
a wonderfully healthy, light, miraculous little seed.
    These Quinoa and Kale patties are absolutely delicious!

"It's the truth. It's actual. Everything is satisfactual!"
I love my berries and bananas for breakfast, believe me I do.
But these are the best treat for a fast and healthy breakfast!
 Try' em! You'll Love' em!
Quinoa and Kale Cuties!
1 cup quinoa
1 cup chicken broth
4 eggs, whisked
1/3 cup parmesan
3 green onions, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1 cup steamed kale, chopped small
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 tsp. olive oil
Caesar dressing

Cook quinoa according to package directions,
using chicken stock instead of water.

In a large bowl, 
mix cooked quinoa with all other ingredients (except olive oil).
Heat olive oil in skillet over med-low heat.
Cover and cook approx. 8-10 minutes,
until a deep rich brown.
Cook other side.

Dip lightly in Caesar dressing.

You want reviews?
    How 'bout, 

  Eat Your Vegetables!

 How 'bout You?
Have a recipe you want to share on 
*I Cook Barefooted!*?
Show some Barefoot Love and...

Send it here: 
Want to include a photo? Fun!

What's on your table?

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions.
All life is an experiment.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

 *Barefoot Love*Airbrush By, Colleen 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Quintessential Quirky Quinoa

*I Cook Barefooted!*

The Quinoa Alphabet

The saponins in quinoa are used as an antiseptic in South America.

Quinoa is an ancient grain-like seed with many health benefits, 
making it a "superfood".

Quinoa is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index, 
so it won't spike your blood sugar. 
Quinoa is a delicious whole grain alternative! Try it... You'll love it!

Quinoa leaves are edible, tasting something like Chard.

Quinoa has a funny pronunciation: 'keen-wah'. 
Go ahead... Impress and annoy your friends!

Quinoa is gluten-free!

Today quinoa can be found both IN and OUT of the healthfood aisle!

the letter I:
Quinoa is Intriguing, Inspiring, and Idyllic.

Quinoa looks pretty on your counter top in a glass jar.

the letter K:
The 'Q' sounds like a 'K'... kay?

Quinoa is the whitest and the sweetest tasting when grown above 12,500 feet.  
Grown at lower elevations, it is more bittersweet in taste.

More than 200,000 pounds are grown each year in the Rocky Mountains.

Quionoa is HIGHLY nutritious,
and has more protein than rice, millet or wheat!

Only 172 calories:
  ...per 1/4 cup dry  quinoa!
That's 24 calories from protein 
only 12 from sugars, 
and the rest are complex carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fats.

Quinoa is a real powerfood!

...of course!

Riboflavin has been shown to help reduce the frequency of migraines,
and is critical to the breakdown of carbs, fats and proteins into energy.

Quinoa, though highly nutritious, is coated with saponin, which is toxic when injested.
Bob's (Organic) Red Mill Quinoa is the brand I trust.
Their product has been 
"thoroughly rinsed and air dried to remove the naturally occurring bitter saponins".

What are you waiting for?
Trust me... it's good.

Good news travels fast!  What's a few centuries?
The Incans knew to eat the quinoa seeds for more stamina and a quicker recovery time.
Today, quinoa is sold in most grocery stores.

Quinoa comes in light yellow, red or black variety.
The taste is said to be a subtle difference between them.
The darker the seed, the earthier the taste.

What else can I say?

Oh yes! 
I said, Xanadu.

...5,000 to be exact. 
That's how many years those Incans in South America
grew quinoa up in the high altitude of the Andes.

I don't know...
Don't be the walking dead.
Eat Quinoa!

Scarlett's 'Keen-wah' Delish

3 uncooked chicken breasts, cut into small strips
3 cups of mixed vegetables (I used Birdseye Normandy Blend)
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2Tbsp. Coconut Oil
2 tsp. Garlic Salt
2 tsp. Table Salt
1 cup of uncooked Quinoa
2 oz. Grated Parmesan Cheese
2 tsp. Mrs. Dash Original Seasoning Blend

Stir-fry your veggies in the coconut oil, 1 tsp. table salt
 and the Mrs. Dash to desired tenderness.
Cut thawed chicken into small strips and stir-fry in the olive oil and garlic salt till no longer pink.
Prepare the Quinoa according to package directions.
(I use Bob's Red Mill Organic Quinoa... pre-rinsed.)
After it's cooked, add parmesan and 1 tsp. table salt to the quinoa.
 Combine veggies, chicken, and quinoa.


You want reviews?
    How 'bout, 
  "Keen-wah, Baby!

 How 'bout You?
Have a recipe you want to share on 
*I Cook Barefooted!*?
Show some Barefoot Love and...

Send it here: 
Want to include a photo? Fun!

What's on your table?

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions.
All life is an experiment.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

 *Barefoot Love*Airbrush By, Colleen